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Smoked Oysters Quinoa Salad Jar

Smoked Oysters Quinoa Salad Jar Recipe

This recipe uses one tin of smoked oysters per person. The amount of the other salad toppings stated in the recipe is indicative – use any amount to layer and fit the jar.


(A) Seasonings for smoked oysters

  • 1/2 tsp lemon juice
  • 1/8 tsp Thai chilli powder to taste; omit if you don’t want the heat
  • 1/2 tbsp shallot oil optional
  • 1 tsp low-sodium soy sauce (or small pinch of garlic salt)
  • freshly cracked black pepper

(B) Salad layers (from bottom to top):

  • 50g diced cucumber
  • 6 cherry tomatoes
  • 50g canned kidney beans rinsed & drained
  • 50g canned or tetra-pak cooked corn rinsed & drained
  • 1 tbsp chopped red onions
  • 1 serving (50g) chopped romaine lettuce
  • 1 serving (50g or more) cooked quinoa
  • 30g feta cheese crumbled or diced; omit or add later if keeping for too many days

You also need:

  • a 750 ml (25 oz) mason jar or BPA-free food jar with tight-fitting lid & wide mouth


  1. Season smoked oysters. Empty the tin of smoked oysters (including the olive oil) at the base of the salad jar. Add seasonings (A). Stir to mix well and season to taste.
  2. Layer the salad. Add cucumber and tomatoes to cover the oysters entirely. Then layer the rest of the ingredients at (B) in the order they are listed. Cover the salad jar with a tight lid. Keeps in the fridge for up to 4 days.
  3. Serving suggestions. To eat straight from the jar, tip the salad jar upside down for 1 minute, making sure the lid is tightly fastened to prevent leakage. Then shake the jar vigorously until well mixed. Alternatively, pour the salad into a large bowl, toss and serve immediately.
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3 comments on “Smoked Oysters Quinoa Salad Jar”

  1. I LOVE those smoked oysters! The salad looks so flavourful, healthy and tasty! Happy New Year :-))

  2. Salad jar has been in my to-do list for quite some time. But end of day I just resort to making salad bowls (like what I always do) , unless I can eat straight from the jar which I find it troublesome (and difficult and messy):O That said, I will definitely make salad jars come true one day, perhaps summer time?

    Aiyo, many many salads for the new year? When it is cold and chilly over here this time of the year, so hard to have many many salads leh….just want warm food. Still, I hear you…I also need to eat more “salads”..cos have REALLY been stuffing myself silly last month e.g. end-of-year short trips, holiday buffets etc. …..so much so, that I experienced food coma.

    Ok, ok 向你看齐

    • In contrast, it’s hot like hell here :P Yes, I have been gorging during the holidays too, hence now the need to eat low-carb :P

      You can always pour out the salad into a large bowl. Keeping them in jars is great for meal prep and take up less space in the fridge. If you eat straight from the jar, use a wide-mouth opening, tip it upside down for 1 min and shake the jar energetically before eating.

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