Claypot Chicken Rice

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I really love claypot chicken rice (沙锅/煲仔鸡饭) and it is the main reason why I recently added a claypot to my growing list of cookware. Before I bought a claypot, I cooked claypot rice using a rice cooker, and I just have to say that the taste of this dish cooked in a claypot is just unbeatable.
See Also:
The rice cooked using a claypot has a wonderful smoky flavour and a nice crust which I just can’t achieve using a rice cooker. This is a great one-dish and balanced meal with meat, mushrooms and vegetables.
Claypot cooking is growing on me and I can’t wait to experiment with more types of claypot rice. For those into claypot cooking, do check out my article on claypot cooking care including tips on how to prep it for first time use.
Hello, my fiancé and I made this recipe last night, using chicken, and it was AMAZING! It was our first time using our claypot, and with your recipe we found it to be really easy to use. Thanks for a great recipe!!
Nicely done! I liked it too!:)
It seems that no dark soya sauce is added into the rice directly. If that’s the case, how will the rice turn dark brown like what we eat at the hawker? We put in the dark sauce after the rice is cooked?
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Hi! Love your site, thanks for the recipes. Quick question: Regarding the recipe for claypot chicken rice, could you send me more detail about controlling the heat and/or flame during each stage of the recipe. I am aware that the claypot retains heat and continues cooking, so I am uncertain when and how much heat/flame to apply.
Much appreciated!
Trying your recipe right now. Didn’t have dried mushrooms so substituted with portobello and a dash of wohup mushroom stock… wish me luck! The last ten minutes of simmering to go… so hungry.
Just finished a bowl of it. Definitely different without the dried mushrooms but still good! Easy to prepare and fast to cook. Didn’t have to add anything after cooking. Just stir to mix and the rest of the rice became nicely brown too. Definitely better than buying from outside because I know what’s in my food. Thanks so much for the recipe.
Thank you so much for that recipe.
I don’t know where to get the sausage in Switzerland therefore I used a Salami and marinated everything in Bulgogi, added some Zucchiini and had a wonderful dinner! :-)
500g Chicken to 1 cup of rice seems like alot of chicken for 1 1/2 – 2 servings.
That’s only about half chicken which is what we usually put as a minimum into the rice cooker pot.