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Stir-fry Cabbage Outer Leaves

Stir-fry Cabbage Outer Leaves Recipe

In this recipe, you will need a round (Beijing) cabbage with some dark green outer leaves still intact. In this recipe, only the outer leaves (the part usually discarded) are used, though the same recipe will work with regular cabbage leaves.

Refer to the pictures at the previous page, on how to pick out the outer leaves for this recipe.



  1. Thinly shred cabbage leaves to 1-cm widths. Wash and dry the cut cabbage.
  2. Cook cabbage and serve. Heat oil in wokpan. Stir fry garlic briskly until aromatic. Add cut cabbage, mushroom powder, seasoning sauce, water, salt & Chinese wine (along the walls of the wok). Stir-fry at high heat until the cabbage is tender crisp. Note: if your wok is not hot enough, you can add a bit more water, cover with lid and simmer for 1-2 minutes. When the stir-fry is done, drizzle sesame oil over the contents and serve.

Cooking Note(s):

* I use mushroom seasoning powder as a delicious MSG-free seasoning for all my veg stir-fries. You can substitute it with about 1/4 tsp salt.

** Seasoning sauce is a common cooking sauce which provides an umami depth without the MSG. The one I’m using is the Maggi brand, but there are many other brands out there. Substitute with other favourite pantry seasoning, such as 1/4 tsp soy sauce or fish sauce.

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2 comments on “Stir-fry Cabbage Outer Leaves”

  1. Waste not, need not…I love this simple and delicious stirfry!

  2. 很巧:D I was just prepping some Brussel sprouts and the green outer leaves naturally came off (looks almost like your green cabbage leaves!) when the Brussel sprouts were sliced to halves/quarters; then I separated the greener outer leaves and the inner core (just in case I want to use them differently – because the outer leaves cook so much quicker!). Actually I like my cabbage to be greener like yours but usually only find the “whitish” ones in the supermarket.

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