Sausage Kimbap

Kimbap (gimbap) are Korean sushi rolls. This sausage kimbap is a result of suddenly craving to eat kimbap and making it using whatever I can find in my kitchen. On this particular day I had in the fridge – one last packet of sausage (Japanese arabiki wieners), the last of the salad mix and the very last carrot. I also had rice and seaweed sheet (always available in the freezer). It was a good feeling to be able to make a meal clearing out the last of the fridge :) I made this kimbap in the morning, ate half for brunch and brought the other half to work in a lunchbox. I totally exceeded my carb intake for sure but I was happy!
See Also:
I am in love with the idea of making and bringing my own kimbap lunch box to work like in the Korean dramas :p It got worse ever since I finished watching Attorney Woo – I just can’t help thinking of kimbap kimbap gimbap …..
These are the main ingredients for my simple sausage kimbap.
- (1) Korean purple rice – refer to this recipe. You can omit the black glutinous rice in the recipe and make normal white rice for the kimbap.
- (2) Korean roasted seaweed (laver) which is compatible with Japanese nori sheets. I used them interchangeably. Use the sheet uncut.
- (3) Sausages – any favourite including hot dogs, wiener or frank etc. Just fry them with a bit of oil in a pan.
- (4) Julienned carrots (thin matchsticks). The pictured carrot was uncooked. Just fry the carrot in a bit of oil and season with salt & pepper.
- (5) Salad mix was the only greens in my fridge on that day and they are so convenient because they are pre-washed and ready-to-use! You can use any type of salad greens or substitute with Korean seasoned spinach if you have time to make it.
- (6) Spicy mayonnaise sauce – I want a kimbap with a rich taste, so made a quick sauce using Japanese mayonnaise and sriracha chilli. The sauce certainly made the kimbap more delicious!
- (1): Arrange seaweed sheet rough side up on a bamboo rolling mat. Spread rice evenly across the seaweed, leaving a gap from the top of the seaweed sheet. Spread spicy mayo sauce across the rice and arrange the sausage and cooked carrot on the sauce.
- (2): Add the salad mix on top of the ingredients.
- (3): Roll the kimbap tightly away from you and bring the bring the bottom of the seaweed to meet the top of the rice.
- (4): Shape the kimbap roll all around with the help of a bamboo mat to tighten the fillings.
- (5): Spread sesame oil with a pastry brush on both sides of your knife and on the completed roll.
- (6): Slice the kimbap to bite-sized pieces. I made some thicker cuts to fit them nicely inside my lunch box.
I fitted what I could in my lunch box (early dinner) and the rest for brunch. I’m on a diet so this was a lot of rice for a day!
Did you see a mysterious hand roll at the picture above? In case you have extra rice and sausages, you can make sausage temaki (Japanese sushi hand roll) using the same ingredients.
Cut the seaweed sheet into half horizontally. Place the seaweed rough side up, put the rice in the left corner as shown in a triangular shape. Then just layer the spicy mayo sauce, seasoned carrots, sausage and salad leaf as shown in the picture above.
Fold the bottom left corner up and over the fillings, then roll the seaweed into a cone. I added some chopped green onions to fill in the gap. The temaki is a great use of any odd leftover ingredients from kimbap making.
Food art! I for sure have no patience and skill to wrap them so neat and perfect!
Wow, you even have a temaki handroll stand!