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Freshly made Popcorn

I want to learn to take better food photos so I bought some place mats and cutlery from Ikea. You’ll start seeing these pretty often in my future blog piccies, hee. The popcorn pictures are actually a practice at taking photos. When I get better at taking food photos, I’ll retake some of the past dishes and update my previous posts.

I love popcorn and I never knew how to make them. A forum member from HH taught me how to make them. Now I can have popcorn whenever I want! Sometimes, I wonder if people will laugh when I feature easy recipes like this, but hey, I am a noob cook, and I am sure there must be other noobs like me too who have no inking of an idea how to make popcorn, no? ;p I was so noobish as to even ask ‘do I need to add water?‘ … see, the term Noob Cook is not false modesty at all, lol

And oh, this recipe is for basic butter popcorn. The only other variation I’ve tried is wasabi popcorn. If you know how to make other variations, do share with me =D

Freshly made Popcorn


50g butter
2 tbsp raw popcorn

In a deep cooking pot, melt butter over low fire. After the butter has melted, stir in the popcorn quickly and make them evenly soaked in the melted butter (you have like 20 seconds to do that, you don’t want the corn to pop with the lid off). Cover the lid and increase fire slightly. Wait for the delightful popping sounds, off fire when the popping has stopped. Season with salt before serving.

Tip: Do not use too much raw popcorn because they really expand and fill up the entire pot =P

Wasabi Popcorn – Stir in 2 tbsp of wasabi powder to the melted butter, mix evenly, before adding the raw popcorn.

And oh, here’s NoobCook.com’s very first food review, featuring the charmingly chubby Neko Chan::Neko First Food Review - Pop Corn

Note: When feeding hamsters’ popcorn, give the outer puff of popcorn and not the stiff, inner kernel part. Actually plain popcorn is the best for them =x

31 comments on “Freshly made Popcorn”

  1. hey bud, thanks for your comment, sorry I didn’t see it. We should do a popcorn movie home party some time! :)

    HoppingHammy: Hee Neko says thanks for thinking his food review is cute :)

  2. Is there a recipe for caramel popcorn? I usually put sugar in the popcorn but sometimes they end up burn. Not sure if the steps in putting the ingredients are correct. Never tried making caramel popcorn though. Pls advise. Thanks.

  3. Hello CF,

    I’ve never made caramel popcorn before. But I surf around and it seems that the caramel is made separately and then poured over the popcorn, and not cooked together with the popcorn.

    Here’s an easy recipe I found:

    Hope this helps :-)

  4. i just like the hamster :D

  5. there is nothing better than fresh homeade popcorn!

  6. Your hamster looks soooo cute! And I love idea of adding wasabi, I add it recently to everything… I have some left over after sushi I was making the other day… 8)

    Have a nice day Wiffy, Margot

  7. It’s so easy to do, yeah? I do mine in the cast iron pan, using BACON grease instead of butter – you can’t go wrong with bacon! ;-)

    Try sprinkling furikake on it – good stuff!

  8. I’m liking textiles more and more as background. Sometimes you don’t want so much glare.

    Just happened back to your archives, Wiffy. The popcorn really pops! And Neko is priceless. :up:

  9. Pingback: NoobCook's 2008 Picks, Happy 2009! | NoobCook.com

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