Beetroot Soup

The vibrant red hue of this soup comes from beetroot, a vegetable which has great detoxifying properties. It is very easy to make and require common ingredients such as carrot, tomato and onion.
(Serves 3)
200g pork ribs
1/2 carrot, skin removed, cut to small chunks
1 tomato, cut to wedges
1 small beetroot, skin removed, cut to small chunks
3 stalks of celery, cut to small slices
1/2 big onion, cut to rings
1200ml water
salt to taste (optional)
Blanch pork ribs in boiling water for 5 minutes. Drain and set aside. Boil water in pot and add the blanched ribs together with the rest of the ingredients to boiling water. Lower fire and simmer for about 40 minutes. Add salt to taste if required.
I love beetroot! Steamed grilled mashed whatever!
I like beetroot too! I shred them into my salads, it’s sweet and crunchy and most importantly, healthy!
What a unique recipe, beetroot with pork ribs.
I usually don’t take beetroot but well…if it’s made into a soup like this, maybe I will take it!
It sounds really easy.
i have tried beetroot soup. its suppose to be for blood circulation as well as an antioxidant. i feel immediately energized after a bowl. now im gonna prepare this dish at least once a weeek.
Thanks for the comments! :)
shegirl I haven’t made this soup in a while, and your comment is a nice reminder for me, hee … thank you.
I saw your beautiful pics @ KC and followed the link here. Love your site!
I always prepare ABC juice for my family ie apple, beetroot and carrot :) The ingredients you’ve listed here is always available in my fridge, will try out this soup one day.
BTW, may I link you?
Thanks! Glad to find your site too, there are so many good food there! I’ll be really happy if you link me … I’ve linked you as well ;)
Pingback: ABC Juice (Apple, Beetroot, Carrot) |
can i use chicken instead of pork?
I was looking for something like this..
Read its very nutritioys .. occasionally see beetroot in supermarkets & bought home , but dont know how to prepare it until it spoils & throw away..
I shall surely buy a few beets home & test your recipe out . Thanks !
Hi, may I know if I can replace the pork ribs with minced pork if I do not have pork ribs? Thanks!
pork ribs will give the soup more flavour imho, but u can use a ready soup stock with seasoned minced pork too.