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Soy Milk

Soy Milk Recipe

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I love soy bean milk, or locally known as “tau huey tzui” (豆奶/豆花水/豆浆). If I buy them from random stalls, they are usually quite diluted and tastes very syrupy.

See Also: Chilled Soya Beancurd Recipe

There are nice ones like the Selegie and Rochor brands but they are not available everywhere. So I thought it will be nice to make my own organic and rich tasting soy bean milk. I always thought making soy bean milk is very difficult. But after trying it out, I realised it is much easier than I expected it to be.  It’s rewarding to enjoy home-made soy bean milk made with organic soy beans. The main ingredients are just soy beans, pandan leaves and rock sugar. You need basic tools like a blender and a muslin bag. This is a healthy and high protein drink and also suitable for the lactose-intolerant. Here is a detailed step-by-step photos recipe guide to demystify the making process. You can use your home-made soy milk to make a wholesome and all-natural chilled soya beancurd dessert.

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Soy Milk Recipe Soak the soy beans in water overnight. After soaking, discard water and rinse a few rounds with water.
Soy Milk Recipe Place the beans in an electric blender and add water.
Soy Milk Recipe My blender (U-Like brand) came with a special filter add-on which is great for making soy bean milk – it has an inner filter to place the beans and the pulp will be contained inside the filter for convenience. However, you can use any type of blender and there is actually no need to purchase any special type of blender for making soy bean milk.
Soy Milk Recipe Whizz the soy bean and milk for at least 2 minutes, taking a break every 30 seconds to prevent the appliance from overheating.
Soy Milk Recipe Filter the milk through a fine sieve.
Soy Milk Recipe Now we have to do something about the pulp because it contains quite a bit of soy bean milk.
Soy Milk Recipe To do that, we need a coconut squeezer bag – basically a cloth filter/muslin bag with fine holes.
Soy Milk Recipe Place the pulp in the bag and squeeze it to extract the remaining milk in the pulp.
Soy Milk Recipe You can see the photo for the difference in the pulp before and after squeezing. After squeezing, the pulp is dry and compact.
Soy Milk Recipe If you want extra smooth soya bean milk, sieve the milk mixture a few more times then transfer to a pot (I’m using a wok).
Soy Milk Recipe Add pandan leaves for extra fragrance. Bring to a gentle simmer (not boiling or the milk will curd) over medium low heat for about 10 minutes, stirring with a ladle regularly. After simmering, add rock sugar to taste and stir until they dissolve.
 Soy Milk Recipe Enjoy your home-made, organic soya bean milk. Drink warm or chilled. Due to the absence of preservatives, the longest I have kept it refrigerated is overnight. It should keep for 1 to 2 days.

92 comments on “Soy Milk”

  1. Hey, was just thinking probably you can add gelatin into your soy milk to make the now very popular soy pudding :)

    I’ve not tried before, but i’ve seen recipe that include ‘instant jelly powder’ and creamer.

  2. How do you prevent a skin forming on the milk when it’s cooling?

    • Hi Bob, just a gentle heat and stir regularly to prevent curdling.

    • Hi Wiffy

      Thanks for the tip.

      I also tried blending the soaked beans with the water, then boiling the whole mixture for twenty minutes and allowing to cool slightly before straining. It worked very well!

  3. Hi,
    I would love to make soybean milk. Can you tell me where you got your blender with the attachment? Can it also be used as a juicer? Thanks!

  4. I read through the comments, no one mentioned anything about the shell (the outer skin of the beans). After soaking the beans, do I have to separate the shell from the beans before blending?

    Thank you.

  5. Hi. Well, I suggest you cook the soya milk until it boils, where the bubbles actually rise to the top of the pot. As for mine, I can keep it as long as 5 days. And if you use black soya beans (with some peanuts), it tastes even better. Happy trying!

  6. hi… i’ve read ur soymilk recipe, i want to ask u about the Ratio of beans to water
    -> 4 tbsp soy (soya) beans (preferably organic): 350ml water
    what’s the meaning of tbsp? how to measure it?

  7. Hi,

    u mention 4tbsp of soya bean : 350ml water…
    the 4tbsp refers to before soaking or after soaking? coz after soaking 4tbsp will not b the same as before soaking.

  8. Hi Wiffy,

    Thanks for the wonderful recipe. I luv soya milk and can’t wait to make it myself :)
    Btw, may I know where did you buy the coconut squeezer from?

    • Hi Nelly, I bought them at a local (SG) provision shop that sells traditional crockery, plates etc. I think Daiso might sell it too though I’m not 100% sure about that.

  9. good. work!but what preservatives can I use and how can I measure its quantity?

    • Sorry I have never added preservatives for home-made soy milk. I recommend that you omit preservatives since home-made should ideally be more natural :)

  10. Knowledge is power. The steps for preparing soymilk is here estremely simplified. I now enjoy it as never before. Thanks a million.

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