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Simmered Chinese Endives

Easy Simmered Endives Recipe

This recipe uses mushroom seasoning powder (vegetarian & MSG-free) as the main seasoning. You can substitute it with light soy sauce, salt and/or fish sauce if you have the powder.

If you find endives bitter, you can also add 1 tsp sugar to the wok.


  • 1 large bag (350-400g) local endives (“pa bo chye”/皇白菜 or similar variety)
  • 4 garlic cloves finely chopped
  • 1 tbsp mushroom seasoning powder may substitute with light soy sauce, fish sauce &/or salt
  • 3 dashes white pepper powder to taste
  • 75 ml water
  • 1 tbsp Chinese wine (Hua Diao/Shaoxing)
  • small pinch of salt to taste; only if needed


  1. Cut endives. Lay endives flat on a chopping board. Cut and discard the bottom ends. Slice the endives to smaller sections horizontally, then vertically (see pictures here). Separate the stems from the leaves. Wash and spin dry.
  2. Cook the endives. Heat oil in a wok pan. Add garlic and stir fry briefly until light golden. Add endives stems and stir-fry until soften. Add the remaining leaves, mushroom seasoning powder, white pepper, water and Chinese wine. Stir fry until the leaves wither, cover with lid and simmer for 1 minute, or soften to liking. Season the broth with a pinch salt, only if needed.
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2 comments on “Simmered Chinese Endives”

  1. Looks light yet very tasty!

  2. They look like Napa cabbage (raw and cooked) . So does it taste sweet after simmered, just like Napa cabbage? The endives I see here usually have pointy leaves.

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