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Chicken and Mushroom Baked Rice

I just bought a new oven (Rowenta Pro 9080) a few weeks back and the first thing I cooked with it is my favourite baked rice. The photo you see above is the baked rice freshly out of the oven, taken on my kitchen countertop.

More baked rice recipes:

As a kid, it was such a treat to eat baked rice at Swensen’s and now as an adult, it is an even greater treat to be able to cook this at home – baked rice anytime I want, with unlimited variations (check out the links above).

Chicken and Mushroom Baked Rice Recipe

I love the end result  – the taste of this recipe is quite close to Swensen’s baked rice which I simply adore since young, thanks to CookBake Legacy whom I referenced and adapted the recipe from. If you are having a home party, bake this in disposable aluminium tray for fuss-free clean ups – this recipe can feed quite a few folks and so far, it has been a hit with my friends.

Chicken and Mushroom Baked Rice Recipe

193 comments on “Chicken and Mushroom Baked Rice”

  1. My 4 yr old boy loves this so much! Simple, fast yet tasty. Thank you for sharing this recipe.

  2. I would like to have your recipes for Broccoli, Potato and Sausage Baked Rice but it is not found on the web page.

    How can I have it?

    Thank you

    Warm regards

  3. Hi, this looks really good! I’m wondering if it is feasible to prepare this overnight so that my girl and reheat with the microwave oven the next day? Thanks!

    • Yes, you can reheat in the microwave. The rice and cheese will be dryer than freshly baked in the oven, but I think that’s still acceptable.

  4. hi, can I ask how much time is needed to prepare this dish?

  5. Thanks for the tips, I just want to get my English assignment done.

  6. Pingback: BAKED RICE ANYTHING GOES | thehealthinspector

  7. Great recipe. Hubby and son love it. Added Cauliflower to make sure we have our vegetable intake. Good for working mother and this will be one of the trusted websites. Thanks.

  8. what are the kitchen equipments that I need?

  9. discovered your recipe last year. now it’s my family’s favourite. sometimes i subtitute the stuffings with smoked ham / bacon, then everybody looses their mind. ;D thank you so much for sharing! xx from indonesia

  10. I tried this recipe and it was so good!! easy and yummy. Perfect for a fast mean with family. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

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