5-Minute Microwaved Cup Corn

A delicious snack of cup corn, done the short cut way, ready in almost no time at all ;)
This recipe is so simple that it’s almost a bit lame for me to post, and I hesitated for some time if I should post it. But since folks like the 15-minute shorts such as the easy steamed fish, microwaved potatoes and the quickie grilled salmon, I reckon most of us don’t mind a no-brainer recipe once in a while. :halo:
Remember the silly fad in Singapore, many years ago, where people (me included) are queuing for cup corn selling from the push carts outside shopping malls? Well this recipe is a short-cut way of remaking the cup corn. I think the “proper” way of making this is to get fresh corn, cut the kernels off and steam them. But lazy me bought ready whole kernel corn, microwaved them with butter, season with salt … and voila, your 5-minute snack is ready! :P
Just three basic ingredients to make your own short-cut cup corn
(makes about 1 teacup)– 1 3/4 cup whole kernel corn
– a bit of butter
– a bit of saltDirections
1) Place corn kernels in a wide dish (so that there is more room to mix later) and cover with cling wrap, using a fork to poke holes in the top of the wrap for ventilation.
2) Place the dish in a microwave for 1-2 minutes depending on your microwave heat. If you hear many ‘popping sounds’, do switch off the microwave earlier.
3) Season with salt and butter to taste, mix evenly, and pour into serving cup. When you pour the corn into the serving cup, do not pour the butter liquid inside or it will be watery.
Note: You can also add the butter in step 2 instead of 3 if you prefer.
I cooked up some sweet corn last week too! and I know that whole sweet corn kernels are such an ease to deal with :)
Now this is my kind of recipe…..it doesn’t get any easier then this! :XO: As usual, I love your choice/color of ware and arrangement for the photograph. Was this all natural lighting? (I can’t remember what you use for lights.) Looks great! :up:
Hi hopping, the photo was taken in natural lighting with the help of an external flash :)
Hi Wiffy,
Thanks for sharing this recipe with us. I can finally cook this for my girlfriend who always seems to have unlimited cravings for cup corn. The standard $2/cup selling in the streets may not be worth it in the long run. So once again, thanks for sharing your recipe.
Just some side questions to Wiffy or anyone who has tried out this recipe:
Any recommendations on the brands of kernel corns or butter to use?
I know there are Del Monte and Ayam brands but are there any better brands?
There are tons of butter brands out there but which is the best for making the cup corn? (I know the streets uses Panta brand)
Please name brands easily available in NTUCs or Cold Storage.
Thanks! ;)
Hi Shax2, so far, I have only tried the Del Monte brand before. It’s not bad to me. If you want more economical, you can buy frozen pack. I use normal butter people used for baking. I think you can try creamy butter too.
well i live by mexico..we call that elote…except we roast the corn, put queso fresco, lime, salt, and hot sauce.
On top of all three mentioned ingredients, I like to add a little of condensed milk. Yum! Normally I used frozen corn but it doesn’t taste good. Thanks for the tip, I shall try the corn kernels you recommended. (;
1)saw your corn in a cup.
i have just bought a food steamer and want to make corn in a cup using frozen corn kernels which we can buy in a supermarket and as you mentioned being sold in pasar malams (night market) etc. could you tell me how i should do this and for how many minutes should i set the timer.
2) i’m a vegetarian could you tell me what else and how i can steam in my food steamer
including how many minutes i should set the timer
appreciate your help in these as i am a newbie in cooking. thanks so much
Hi, Just steam them for about 5 minutes (starting from the time the water in the steamer is boiling), or until cooked.
Can we use frozen corn instead?
yes you can!