Kailan with Shredded Scallops (My First Guest Post)

I’m excited and happy to see my very first guest post, being published by one of my fave food blogs, Delicious Asian Food. Thank you PabloPabla, for inviting me to guest post. If you would like to read about what I wrote and check out the recipe, do hop over to PabloPabla’s blog to read the article. Remember to check out Pablo’s blog at the same time, because there are lots of wonderful Asian recipes to try out.
I’m be leaving Singapore tonight for a short holiday in Beijing. Will be back soon for more recipes, and maybe some photos from my trip ;)
Kailan with Shredded Scallops
ooo.. Have a great trip! Take care!
and may I say I love the shot of the veges- very green and certainly appealing!
Have fun!
Enjoy your trip…love this dish…gailan and scallops…yummie!
Wah, your kailan and shredded scallop pic makes me drool. Enjoy your trip. Always jetting around, lucky you!
can I offer a trade? :)
I love kailan, combine with scallops? perfect!
Awwww you’re gone!!! I’ll miss you and wait for you (and wait for the food too, I’m hungry now!)