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Scallops & Asparagus Ee-fu Noodles

Scallops & Asparagus Ee-fu Noodles Recipe

The XO sauce is optional but it is a perfect luxury for holidays & celebration. If you do not want to use XO sauce, add more soy, fish or oyster sauce to taste.

The cooked ee-fu noodles should be saucy and unbroken. Don’t over simmer the noodles. To prevent the noodles from breaking, use a gentle hand when frying and keep the noodles moist (add more water or stock if needed) at all times.

Check out the step-by-step photos on the previous page.


  • 10 slices carrot optional: cut them to flower shapes 
  • 4 spears thick asparagus prepped & cut diagonally to short sections
  • 150g (3 bundles) dry ee-fu noodles (伊府面/Yi mein)
  • 3 slices ginger minced
  • 250g fresh scallops patted dry on paper towels
  • 1/2 tbsp + 1 tbsp cooking oil divided
  • 1/2 tbsp chopped garlic
  • 150g assorted mushrooms I’m using hon shimeji & sliced shiitake mushroom
  • 150g yellow chives (韭黃/gau wang) cut to 5 cm (2 inch) lengths
  • 1 tbsp Chinese wine (Hua Tiao/Shao Xing)
  • 1 tbsp chopped spring onions and/or coriander to garnish

(A) Sauce

  • 150 ml chicken stock see cooking note below
  • 2 tbsp XO sauce
  • 1 tsp light soy sauce
  • 1 tsp dark soy sauce
  • 3 dashes white pepper powder
  • 1 tbsp Chinese wine


  1. Blanch carrot, asparagus & ee-fu noodles. Bring a small pot of water to boil. Add carrot & asparagus and cook for 3 minutes. Take them out with a slotted spoon and set aside. Next, add ee-fu noodles and cook them in the boiling water for less than a minute. Take out the noodles as soon as the noodles start to separate in the hot boiling water, while they are firm and still uncooked. Run the noodles under cold tap water through a colander to cool. Set aside.
  2. Cook scallops. Heat 1/2 tbsp oil in a large frying pan or wokpan. Add ginger and scallops. Pan fry until scallops are cooked. Set aside the scallops including any scallop juices in a plate.
  3. Cook mushrooms. Add remaining oil, garlic and mushrooms to the pan. Stir fry until the mushrooms start to soften. Add yellow chives and fry until they just start to soften.
  4. Make the noodles. Add prepared ee-fu noodles and sauce (A). Coat the noodles evenly in the sauce, then cover with lid and simmer until most of the sauce is reduced, about 3 minutes, topping up with stock or water if needed. Stir in the cooked scallops, carrot & asparagus immediately, and mix well while the contents are still hot. Garnish with spring onions and/or coriander.

Ingredients Note(s):

  1. I’m using a rich chicken stock (Heinz or Swanston chicken broth in tetra-pak) for this recipe. As various brands of chicken broth differs in saltiness & richness, do adjust the light soy sauce to taste accordingly.
  2. Instead of shiitake mushrooms, you can substitute with hon shimeji, fresh straw mushrooms, sliced button or king oyster mushrooms.
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2 comments on “Scallops & Asparagus Ee-fu Noodles”

  1. I can’t remember when I last had some efu noodles! Those scallops are really succulent and yummy.

  2. 肚子饿了!

    YESSssss! on this reliable and trusted combination of scallops, asparagus and mushrooms. So yummy.

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